It is the time of year to be colouring up your garden with lovely bedding and perennial plants but let’s not forget the plants that can do the same in your home, office or any indoor space! Houseplants are known for there many health benefits, for example; lowering stress and anxiety, improving office performance and focus, reducing fatigue and many more benefits. However, houseplants can be tricky to look after but with a few simple steps, anyone can make any houseplant thrive. Firstly with most houseplants you will need to avoid placing them next to a non-natural heat source such as radiators or having them in cold, windy spots. Brutal variations in temperature and humidity can be detrimental, balance in there environment is key. Watering is also very important and it is essential that whenever you get yourself a houseplant to research the technique and amount you need to water them because every houseplant is different. Once you’ve got the environment and watering down to a tee you’re good to go to get more and more houseplants to surround yourself with indoors. Great houseplants to start off with are Monstera (Swiss Cheese Plant), Ficus elastica (Rubber Fig) or Sansevieria (Mother-in-laws Tounge or Snake Plant). We have these and many more varieties here at Woldens with fresh new deliveries coming in most weeks, so why not come along and get some plants for your indoor spaces as well as your outdoor 🌿🌺